Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Logan Ranger Autonomous Vehicle Awarded LPEF Grant


We found out today that the AV project was awarded a grant by the La Crosse Public Education Foundation. The grant was written and submitted earlier this school year. We feel fortunate that organizations like the LPEF continue to support public education in the form of financing projects like the AV. Special thank you goes out to Randy Eddy whose generous donation makes this all possible and David Stoeffler from the LPEF.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Logan Digital Electronics Class Visits Trane's Plant 7

Students in Digital Electronics at Logan HS took part in a tour of Trane Plant 7 today. Scott and Lisa were our tour guides as we took a walk through the manufacturing plant. When we arrived, we were given a safety talk and loaned protective safety gear for the tour.

The students saw how raw materials were fabricated into the chillers that Trane is famous for. We saw CNC controlled welders as well as manual welding taking place. Safety was always a priority for the workers.

After the tour, students were invited to a question/answer session to wrap up the tour.

A big Logan thank you to Trane for the great tour!

Note: No pictures were allowed in the plant during the tour due to the sensitive nature of the manufacturing process.

Students getting geared up before the tour.

Students sitting down with Scott Seibert for a Q&A