Thursday, May 19, 2016

Work Night 5.18.16

Work Night
Date: 5.18.16
Location: Logan HS
Time: 4:00-7:30 PM
Goal: Test out the main drive interface.
Students: Grant and Killian

We really have been working on the software and hardware solution for the main drive (MD) interface. Friday, Grant spent about 3 hours on Friday looking over the software trying to find a solution to the PWM signal problem we have. Not much luck looking at Pixhawk forums for Rover configuration details and 3DR does not have technical support (call in) for converting your Pixhawk to a rover. We need a hardware solution.

The MD interface tested out well on the Oscope after a few bugs were worked out. We now can adjust to approximately a 5 V  high and we can adjust to a low. This process took a couple of hours to work out and that is just for the MD. Then we have to look at a solution for the steering.

We found an Arduino option that has an Arduino filter and convert the signal to a binary output which we can use. Much easier than hardware if we can configure the output signal. We will work on that over the next couple of days to see if it works.

We wanted to get more of the components onto the vehicle but we were unable to because of the software MD problem we were having. Sometimes it seems like we take two steps forward and one back but that is troubleshooting.

Next week we will have more time to work on the vehicle and hopefully get everything on the frame and wired.

More components added to frame

Our main drive interface

Testing the MD interface with Pixhawk

Testing steering and main drive interface

Notes on main drive interface

Test board is getting congested with added components

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